Should I use C# or VB .Net?

What a conundrum, each developer has their favourite. In this article I will try to document the pro's and con's, or at least the differences of each language.

I will admit that I am a C# developer but I will try to keep this unbiased.

Syntax Verbose: If x Then..End If like VB6 Terse: if ( x ) {} like C,C++,Java
Arrays Redim Preserve to resize an array Use Array.Copy() to copy contents to a larger array
Standards Not a standard Submitted for standardisation (
Comments Just ' or Rem available Multi-line comments //, /* /, /// XML, /* XML multi-line */
Documentation Not integrated with code Generate documentation from XML comments
Type conversion CType(obj,type) (type)obj
With statement Supports With...End With no With statement
Learning Curve Easier to learn from VB6 Encourages VB developer to think in terms of .Net rather than VB6
Performance - Rumoured that C# compiler produces slightly faster IL?
Resources - C# is more common
Code Quality - Traps errors such as unused or unassigned variables at compile time
Readability Long unreadable lines Uses semicolon rather than carriage return to end statements
... #Region/#End Region around methods only #region/#endregion around any statements
Interoperability - Supports pointers via the unsafe/fixed keywords
Multi-skilling Java and VB have little in common A Java developer can read C# code and vice versa

See language syntax differences here

Author Dave Howard

I have been involved in IT development for the last 10 years - a lot of it around desktop applications and telecoms.

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