Return new identity from Strongly Typed Dataset DataTable.Insert method

Datasets are pretty good at auto generating stored procedures and wrapping c# code around them for you.

However with the insert method you often want to do something with the object that you have just inserted.

Fortunately there is an easy way to get the Sproc and the c# method to return a reference to the object.

Firstly edit your insert stored procedure adding a @return parameter and a line after the insert to set this to a suitable value.

The exmaple below assumes that you are using bigint identity fields.

    @Description varchar(500),
    @Return bigint output
INSERT INTO [myTable] ([Description]) VALUES (@Description);

Note that SCOPE_IDENTITY() is similar to @@IDENTITY except its scope is limited to the current command and so improves scalability.

Now when you save the Dataset you see that the insert method takes two parameters, the second being a nullable long.

My first thought was that Datasets should be the end of editing stored procedures but I am still impressed that the c# method declaration changes accordingly.

You can call the updated method in the following way.

long? objId=null;

myTableAdapter d =new myTableAdapter();

d.Insert("Descriptive text"ref objId);

the long? just means nullable long.

After filling the table you can now use the FindByxxxID functions of the DataTable to return the DataRow object.

Author Dave Howard

I have been involved in IT development for the last 10 years - a lot of it around desktop applications and telecoms.


uhhhclem said:

> Note that SCOPE_IDENTITY() is similar

> to @@IDENTITY except its scope is limited

> to the current command and so improves

> scalability.

I don't see that it improves scalability.

The primary reason to use SCOPE_IDENTITY, and it's a big one, is so that you actually get the identity of the row you just inserted. If there's an INSERT trigger on the underlying table, @@IDENTITY will return the ID of the row that the trigger just inserted, not the row your command just inserted.

Stored procs that use @@IDENTITY are generally an accident waiting to happen, since it's easy to break them by adding a trigger to the table.

12/Jun/2007 22:55 PM

frk said:

Excellent explaination to a complex looking problem. Thanks

27/Mar/2008 22:38 PM

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