Error in line 3

Some websites report an error in line 3 when using the controls such as login. We recently tracked this error down on one of our sites to the use of custom HttpHandlers.

All requests to anything other than *.aspx were routing through our own handler..

Adding the following to the web.config fixed the problem

<add path="WebResource.axd" verb="GET" type="System.Web.Handlers.AssemblyResourceLoader" validate="True" /> 

Author Paul Hayman

Paul is the COO of kwiboo ltd and has more than 20 years IT consultancy experience. He has consulted for a number of blue chip companies and has been exposed to the folowing sectors: Utilities, Telecommunications, Insurance, Media, Investment Banking, Leisure, Legal, CRM, Pharmaceuticals, Interactive Gaming, Mobile Communications, Online Services.

Paul is the COO and co-founder of kwiboo ( and is also the creator of GeekZilla.

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