Articles written by Paul Hayman
Clean a string in C# using RegEx
Clean a string in C# using RegEx public static string CleanString(string input, string replaceWith) { return System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(input, @"[^a-z^0-9^ ^-^_]", replaceWith, System.Text.Re
Paul Hayman - 4,146 viewsRendering a Twitter Tweet with Razor and C# MVC4
Rendering a Twitter Tweet with Razor and C# MVC4 Using Linq to Twitter I pulled a feed which I needed to render on a website. The body of the tweet was something like : RT @KristyT: The Floppy Disk means Save, and 14 other old p
Paul Hayman - 5,352 viewsGet the progress of active SQL backups using TSQL
Get the progress of active SQL backups using TSQL The following script returns the status of any running backups on Microsoft SQL Server SELECT r.session_id,r.command,CONVERT(NUMERIC(6,2),r.percent_complete) AS [Percent Complete
Paul Hayman - 3,852 viewsList all Tables SQL Server
List all Tables SQL Server Here's a tiny bit of SQL for listing all the Tables in a database: SELECT * FROM sys.tables
Paul Hayman - 65,111 viewsList all Stored Procedures SQL Server
List all Stored Procedures SQL Server Here's a tiny bit of SQL for listing all the Stored Procedures in a database: SELECT * FROM sys.procedures
Paul Hayman - 9,552 viewsSQL Server Database, kill active processes and take it offline
SQL Server Database, kill active processes and take it offline Use the following TSQL to kill the active processes on a database and take it offline. DECLARE @DatabaseName nvarchar(50) SET @DatabaseName = N'databasename' DECL
Paul Hayman - 4,158 viewsSelect list of all tables in a MS SQL Server database including row count
Select list of all tables in a MS SQL Server database including row count The following script lists all tables in a database and their row count. SELECT [TableName] =, [RowCount]&n
Paul Hayman - 3,245 viewsTruncate all Logs on a SQL Server with TSQL
Truncate all Logs on a SQL Server with TSQL Hers's some T-SQL for truncating all logs on a Microsoft SQL Server: DECLARE @DBName varchar(255) DECLARE @LogName varchar(255) DECLARE @DATABASES_Fetch int DE
Paul Hayman - 8,663 viewsEnable 'xp_cmdshell' in SQL server without Surface Area Configuration Tool
Enable 'xp_cmdshell' in SQL server without Surface Area Configuration Tool Here's the script needed for enabling 'xp_cmdshell' on a SQL Server. This allows you to run commands like MKDIR etc from TSQL. EXECUTE SP_CONFIGURE 'show advanced options',
Paul Hayman - 2,820 viewsRendering a Gravatar image with Razor and C# MVC4
Rendering a Gravatar image with Razor and C# MVC4 I wanted to write a Helper Extension for Razor which rendered a Gravatar image .. see below: <div class="Author" style="position:relative;"> <div style="position:absolute; top:
Paul Hayman - 6,896 viewsOutput Exchange Message Tracking Log to CSV or Excel
Output Exchange Message Tracking Log to CSV or Excel I needed to output the Microsoft Exchange 2010 Message Tracking Log to CSV, here's the Exchange PowerShell command I used: get-messagetrackinglog -Start "07/09/2010 00:00:00" -End "07/09/2010 23:59:00"&
Paul Hayman - 15,082 viewsSelect a list of databases missing Primary keys
Select a list of databases missing Primary keys The following T-SQL returns a list of tables in a database which have no primary key set. select * from sys.tables where object_id not in ( select o
Paul Hayman - 3,543 viewsFTP series codes
FTP series codes Code Description 100 The requested action is being initiated, expect another reply before proceeding with a new command. 110 Restart marker reply. 120 Service ready in nnn minutes. 125 Data connection already open, transfer starting
Paul Hayman - 6,541 viewsAS2 removeMovieClip not unloading my movie
AS2 removeMovieClip not unloading my movie I recently had a problem where removeMovieClip would remove everything I asked it to except for a couple of movies. Eventually, I tracked it down to a problem with the ID I had given the movie. It seems that movie ID's with full stops in cause
Paul Hayman - 2,183 viewsStopping Focus Highlight on a mx.controls.TextInput in ActionScript on TAB
Stopping Focus Highlight on a mx.controls.TextInput in Action Script on TAB I recently had a problem with a mx.controls.TextInput which rendered a highlignt area below the TextInput when I tabbed into the control. After much hunting around, I found the following Action Script solution:
Paul Hayman - 1,750 viewsThe easiest Hex string to/from byte array I've found
The easiest Hex string to/from byte array I've found When looking for a utility function to convert from a hex string to a byte array, I found this example .. works a treat! Code
Paul Hayman - 19,989 viewsBrowser version detection in Javascript
Browser version detection in Javascript var ns4 = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape")>=0 && parseFloat(navigator.appVersion) >= 4 &&
Paul Hayman - 2,846 viewsGeting the position of the mouse pointer (cursor) in JavaScript (Works in IE7)
Geting the position of the mouse pointer in JavaScript (Works in IE7) The following function will return the position of the mouse pointer based on the event. It actually works in IE7. function getPosition(e) { e&nb
Paul Hayman - 17,810 viewsInstanciating an object from it's type name
Instanciating an object from it's type name Instanciating a control from it's type name is easy.. string typeName = "YourNameSpace.YourObject"; Type assType = Type.GetType(typeName); object dynamicControl = Activator.CreateInstance
Paul Hayman - 1,913 viewsGet the Top and Left location of an element with JavaScript
The following code will return the top and left position for an element. var ns4 = (navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape")>=0 &&&nbs
Paul Hayman - 6,290 viewsReturning the first few items from an Array list or IEnumerable collection
Returning the first few items from an Array list or IEnumerable collection, like T-Sql top() I needed to bind the first 5 items in a List<T> to a repeater. Having recently discovered the .Distinct() extension, I had a look through the other methods attached to my List<T> and foun
Paul Hayman - 3,217 viewsReturning a Distinct list of values from an array or IEnumerable cllection
Returning a Distinct list of values from an array or IEnumerable collection I recently had a list of Guids in a string which was returned from a group of checkboxes with identical names. I wanted to itterate through Guids and process each one only once. Basicaly, ignoring duplicates. I
Paul Hayman - 4,681 viewsCredit Card Number Ranges
Credit Card Number Ranges Here is the basic set of credit card number ranges: Issuer Identifier Card Number Length Diner's Club/Carte Blanche 300xxx-305xxx, 36xxxx, 38xxxx 14 American Express 34xxxx, 37xxxx 15 VISA 4xxxxx 13, 16 MasterCard
Paul Hayman - 6,303 viewsCleaning a string using a regular expression ready for placing in a URL
Cleaning a string using a regular expression ready for placing in a URL public static string CleanForUrl(string text) { return Regex.Replace(text, @"[^a-z^A-Z^0-9^-]", "-"); }
Paul Hayman - 4,235 viewsDisplaying XML just like Internet Explorer
Displaying XML just like Internet Explorer This is everything you need to display XML in your webpage the same way IE displays it when you open an XML document in IE. Html Register the js and place a literal where you'd like the XML to appear. <script src="
Paul Hayman - 8,368 viewsThe best CSS rounded corners method
The best CSS rounded corners method I love this example : Even More CSS Roudned Corners 2 Project Home Basic Example The HTML is simple <div class="dialog"><div class="content"><div class="t"></div> <!-- Your c
Paul Hayman - 5,326 viewsConverting a String to a ByteArray in c#
Converting a String to a Byte Array in c# Very simple.. here's how to convert a String to a Byte Array in c# byte[] yourByteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("your string");
Paul Hayman - 4,746 viewsReading a key from the registry in c#
Reading a key from the registry in c# The following c# code shows how to read a key value from the registry. Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE", true); RegistryKey masterKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\\yourapp\\yourkey")
Paul Hayman - 7,941 viewsSpecifying an originator IP Address on a WebService Request using ServicePoint and HttpWebRequest
Specifying an originator IP Address on a WebService Request using ServicePoint and HttpWebRequest If you're running multiple IP Addresses on the same NIC in Windows 2003 server and you need a webservice call to originate from a certain one, you'll probably have found the same thing I did. .n
Paul Hayman - 7,616 viewsRegex for a HTML tag
Regex for a HTML tag <.[^>]*> This can proove invaluable when you're wanting to replace keywords in HTML without spoiling the tags themselves. Particularly useful in SEO.
Paul Hayman - 2,962 viewsRegex match html content without screwing up the tags
Regex match html content without screwing up the tags When needing to highlight words in a string containing HTML we found we soon ran into problems when the word we were searching for appeared in the middle of a tag.. Imagine the example: <a href="geekzilla.aspx">you
Paul Hayman - 18,252 viewsBackup ALL your SQL Server 2005 databases using ONE script
Backup ALL your SQL Server 2005 databases using ONE script I wanted to backup all my databases... I had loads, creating a step for each db was getting tedious, so I wrote this script. Enjoy DEC
Paul Hayman - 81,533 viewsDynamically adding a CSS link to the page in c#
Dynamically adding a CSS link to the page in c# The following code adds a CSS link to the header node of a Html page. // register css HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header; HtmlLink link = new HtmlLink(); link.Attributes.Add("href",
Paul Hayman - 45,115 viewsScrollbar CSS style generator
Scrollbar CSS style generator Excellent online tool for generating css for scrollbars
Paul Hayman - 4,041 viewsExcellent IIS Metabase Helper
Excellent IIS Metabase Helper Found this : Has the potential to be an excellent Metabase wrapper.
Paul Hayman - 2,103 viewsPreventing Caching of an page in c#
Preventing Caching of an page in c# The following code prevents a page being cached. public static void PreventCaching(HttpContext context) { context.Response.Cache.SetExpires(DateTime.Now.Subtract(new TimeSpan(24,
Paul Hayman - 3,097 viewsGetting the Virtual Path of a Request in c#
Getting the Virtual Path of a Request in c# This simple bit of code will get you the Virtual Path of your current request. public static string GetVirtualPath(string url) { if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Application
Paul Hayman - 18,896 viewsFixing Form Action on UrlRewrite (UrlRewriter)
Fixing Form Action on UrlRewrite IF you're rewriting URL's, you've probably come across the same problem I had. When posting back on the page, the real URL is used.. this is a real pain if you're writing a page which uses the RawUrl to serve up relevant content. I had a good loo
Paul Hayman - 5,492 viewsAwesome Sidebar Gadget
Awesome Sidebar Gadget This gadget is awesome (ESPECIALLY IN LARGE MODE): System Control is much more than your average shutdown gadget. Aside from the normal Shutdown, Restart, Lock, and Sle
Paul Hayman - 5,844 viewsDate Regular Expression (dd/MMM/yyyy)
Date Regular Expression (dd/MMM/yyyy) The following matches: 01/JAN/2007 22/Feb/2006 But doesn't match: 01/01/2007 22/02/2007 01 Jan 2007 ^(([0-9])|([0-2][0-9])|([3][0-1]))\/(Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)\/\d{4
Paul Hayman - 31,043 viewsHex code Regular Expression (#F0F0F0)
Hex code Regular Expression (#F0F0F0) The following matches valid HTML hexadecimal color codes. The # symbol is optional. It will except either the 3 digit form for the 216 Web safe colors, or the full 6 digit form. ^#?([a-f]|[A-F]|[0-9]){3}(([a-f]|[A-F]|[0-9]){3})?$
Paul Hayman - 16,757 viewsEmail Regex Pattern
Email Regex Pattern ^([0-9a-zA-Z]([-.\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*@([0-9a-zA-Z][-\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z]\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,9})$
Paul Hayman - 5,639 viewsTime Regular Expression
Time Regular Expression ^([0-1][0-9]|[2][0-3]):([0-5][0-9])$
Paul Hayman - 5,033 viewsHow to get more than 3GB in Windows Vista 32-bit
How to get more than 3GB in Windows Vista 32-bit Out if the box, Vista (32-bit) only detects a maximum of 3GB of RAM. You're probably gutted if you just bought a 4GB PC. Vista 32-bit systems can actually detect 4GB RAM (and more!). Sometimes the O.S. does not see the 4th GB of RAM but
Paul Hayman - 7,059 viewsGeekZilla Google Analytics Report August 07
GeekZilla Google Analytics Report August 07
Paul Hayman - 2,619 viewsAdding a Strong Name to an existing DLL that you don't have the source to
Adding a Strong Name to an existing DLL that you don't have the source to There are times when you need a DLL to have a strong name; putting it in the GAC for example. With 3rd party DLL's this could be a pain. This is how you do it: From a VS.NET command prompt, enter the following:
Paul Hayman - 70,971 viewsFixing Actionscript XML newline problem
Fixing Actionscript XML newline problem I was having a nightmare with a newline \n coming through from an XML document literally as \n when I passed the text into a DynamicText object in ActionScript 2, Flash CS3. Mark Page found this solution: function fixXMLNewLin
Paul Hayman - 6,615 viewsGeekZilla Google Analytics Report July 07
GeekZilla Google Analytics Report July 07
Paul Hayman - 2,461 viewsCustom JavaScript attributes work differently in IE compared to Firefox
Custom JavaScript attributes work differently in IE compared to Firefox Adding custom attributes to HTML tags is a really valuable programming method. It's something I do quite often. Consider the following code: <script> function 
Paul Hayman - 7,284 viewsFirefox doesn't use parentElement, it uses parentNode
Firefox doesn't use parentElement, it uses parentNode JavaScript in FireFox doesn't support the function parentElement. You should use parentNode instead. Example: myElement.parentNode;
Paul Hayman - 9,445 viewsSetting default collation on a column
Setting default collation on a column The following will set the collation on a column in a table back to Database Default without dropping and recreating the table (unlike Enterprise Manager) ALTER TABLE [MyTable] ALTER COLUMN [MyColumn]  
Paul Hayman - 9,260 viewsComments now use Wiki text
Comments now use Wiki text Comments added to articles now use wiki text.. this means you can paste code, include hyperlinks, use smileys. To paste code : add #c# infront of each line for C#, #h# for html, #v# for or #s# for T-SQL
Paul Hayman - 9,886 viewsReturning a value from a PageMethod
Returning a value from a PageMethod using MS AJAX NOTE: This is designed for v1.0.61025.0 of AJAXExtensionsToolbox.dll If you've ever returned data from a web service using MS AJAX this technique will look familar. Call the method from javascript by append PageMethods. to the fro
Paul Hayman - 42,709 viewsWhat screen size should we be building sites for?
What screen size should we be building sites for? With high resolution screens becoming increasingly cheaper to buy, what screen size should we really be building websites for? I took some stats from GeekZilla (in google analytics) and was pleased to find that the most popular was reas
Paul Hayman - 12,422 viewsGetting the ProviderUserKey for the Current User
Getting the ProviderUserKey for the Current User The following gets the ProviderUserKey for the current user. (Guid)Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey
Paul Hayman - 3,749 viewsRendering a Control to a String
Rendering a Control to a String This is a really handy little function for rendering a control to a string. Really handy if you want to pass back rendered HTML from a StaticPageMethod or WebService. private static string GetRenderedControl(Control contr
Paul Hayman - 5,804 viewsProgrammatically registering a client script in the ScriptManager
Programmatically registering a client script in the ScriptManager Registering a client script in the ScriptManager is easy! ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude(Page, typeof(Page), "MyScript", &n
Paul Hayman - 7,748 viewsCalling a static "page method" from Javascript using MS AJAX
Calling a static "page method" from Javascript using MS AJAX Atlas gave us the ability to easily call Web Services from JavaScript. MS AJAX has gone one step further! We can now call methods in the codebehine of the current page from Javascript. Here's how: This is designed for v1.0.61
Paul Hayman - 175,115 viewsLaunching an Ajax ModalPopupExtender from JavaScript
Launching an Ajax ModalPopupExtender from JavaScript This is an updated version of the earlier (and very popular) Atlas article It is by far the simplest way to launch an Ajax ModalPopupExtender from javascript. The groundworks Add a hidden link for ModalPopup Extender to attach
Paul Hayman - 88,162 viewsIntroducing Microsoft Silverlight
Introducing Microsoft Silverlight Ref : It is with tremendous pleasure that I can reveal Microsoft Silverlight: our next-generation, cross-platform, cross-browser web client runtime. Silverlight (prev
Paul Hayman - 1,954 viewsASP.NET Framework 1.1 Validation not working in IE7?
ASP.NET Framework 1.1 Validation not working in IE7? I recently had a problem with an old Framework 1.1 website where the form would not post back if the page contained validators (CustomValidators to be exact). It caused me to do a lot of googling and in the end some javascript debugging.
Paul Hayman - 6,621 viewsgeekzilla preparing for a facelift
geekzilla preparing for a facelift We're getting ready to facelift geekzilla using kwiboo's Wiki Content Management System as the foundation, making it more powerful, scalable, easier to use and more pleasing to the eye. If you have any suggestions please add a comment to this article.
Paul Hayman - 2,285 viewsGreat site for Vista WallPaper and more!
Great site for Vista WallPaper and More
Paul Hayman - 2,504 viewsLinking from one CSS StyleSheet to Another
Linking from one CSS StyleSheet to Another Simply add the following to the top of your CSS StyleSheet to link it to another: @import "MyOtherStylesheet.css"; NOTE: the path is relative to the current StyleSheet
Paul Hayman - 5,988 viewsCentering a DIV using the negative margin method
Centering a DIV using the negative margin method The following CSS will center a DIV whih is 500px wide. This method is very clean and works in all browsers. div { position: absolute; left: 50%; &nb
Paul Hayman - 16,878 viewsSorting an XML document in C# using XSL
Sorting an XML document in C# using XSL I needed to sort some XML in C# before itterating through the document. In the end I used the XslCompiledTransform to apply an XSL stylesheet to the XML document. Works very quickly. For reference, this is how I did it. The code The follo
Paul Hayman - 20,871 viewsLoginStatus not logging users out?
LoginStatus not logging users out? Have you noticed your LoginStatus control doesn't log the user out when you click Logout? Well, to fix this all you need to do is add an id attribute. This works <asp:LoginStatus runat="server" id="loginstatus1" /> Thi
Paul Hayman - 6,940 viewsNo more cellspacing, roll on border-collapse!
No more cellspacing, roll on border-collapse! Confused as to why applying a css margin:0px and padding:0px doesn't remove the gaps between cells in tables? You need border-collapse. The cellpadding and cellspacing attributes are not deprecated in HTML 4 (and not even in XHTML 1.1), how
Paul Hayman - 2,846 viewsAdding a transparent background to a Vista Gadget
Adding a transparent background to a Vista Gadget Adding a transparent background to a gadget is easy! Simply create a transparent .png file and reference it from your Gadget HTML. Here is an example file (also attached to this article as a download): Here is the HTML you
Paul Hayman - 24,464 viewsA simple guide to creating your first Vista Gadget
A simple guide to creating your first Vista Gadget Gadgets are simply HTML and JavaScript. The SideBar exposes a bunch of API's which are accessible from JavaScript and extends the HTML schema. In this short guide we will greate a simple "Hello World" gadget. The four steps Cre
Paul Hayman - 34,141 viewsBy Invitation Only
By Invitation Only The GeekZilla community has been opened up by invitation only The team and their friends have all been issued 5 invitations each to send out to their buddies. The site is still in state of beta, it will be interesting to see how this wider group of developers a
Paul Hayman - 2,634 viewsUsing a .Net 2.0 anonymous delegate when generating a thumbnail
Using a .Net 2.0 anonymous delegate when generating a thumbnail Rather than using a mehod which does nothing except return false. Use a .Net 2.0 anonymous delegate for the GetThumbnailImageAbort parameter. delegate() { return false; } Example System
Paul Hayman - 3,171 viewsWeb 2 Ajax Style Animated Gif's
Web 2 Ajax Style Animated Gif's When searching high and low for a ajax style wait icon I came across the following sites. The first is a very good source of web 2 style animated gifs: - Example: I also found this GIF generator
Paul Hayman - 24,776 viewsVisual Studio Orcas Beta 1 Available
Visual Studio Orcas Beta 1 Available You can now download Visual Studio Orcas Beta 1. Use one of the links found here: The Team Suite Edition on a Virtual PC Team Suite on a Virtual PC with Team Foundation Server Download the C# Express Edition
Paul Hayman - 1,862 viewsHandy fake latin generator
Handy fake latin generator 4guysfromrolla have a handy "fake latin" generator. It allows you to specify the number of paragraphs to generate. Source available too, although old asp.
Paul Hayman - 5,099 viewsHow to turn on automatic logon in Windows XP
How to turn on automatic logon in Windows XP Original : INTRODUCTION This article describes how to configure Microsoft Windows XP to automate the logon process by storing your password and other pertinent information in the registry database.
Paul Hayman - 21,051 viewsConvert to and from Hex
Convert to and from Hex Convert from an int to Hex String result = String.Format("{0:x2}", 255) Convert from Hex to an int int result = int.Parse("FF", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
Paul Hayman - 3,156 viewsGoogle Applicance - googleoff / googleon Tags
Google Applicance - googleoff / googleon Tags I came across these recently... thought I'd share The googleoff/googleon tags disable the indexing of a part of a web page. The result is that those pages do not appear in search results when users search for the tagged word or phrase. For
Paul Hayman - 53,133 viewsNon Capturing Groups
Non Capturing Groups Expressions can contain a lot of groups which you weren't interested in matching on. It is possible to tell .net not to capture these by placing a ?: at the beginning of the group. Apparently limiting the number of capturing groups has a positive increase on performance.
Paul Hayman - 2,547 viewsUsing Regex Look Arounds
Using Regex Look Arounds .net supports four types of "Look Around". These can be used to make sure that patterns do or do not appear before or after whatever it is you're matching on. Consider the following text: "my car will be off the road for 2 days. it's reg num is ab123abc"
Paul Hayman - 13,891 viewsInstalling XNA Beta
Installing XNA Beta Ok, I thought I'd document the installation process and any pitfalls I encountered. I decided to install XNA on a VMWare machine, just to keep things clean, this didn't work as XNA couldn't detect an appropriate Direct3d compatible graphics card, so I installed it on the
Paul Hayman - 6,615 viewsMicrosoft XNA (Beta) Released
Microsoft XNA (Beta) Released Microsoft have released Microsoft XNA Game Studio Express (Beta). With all the hype surrounding this release we should be in for a real treat! Are Microsoft going to corner the market by releasing tools which enable developers to write their own games? Sho
Paul Hayman - 3,572 viewsCreating a Tag Cloud in C#
Creating a Tag Cloud in C# I wanted to add a TagCloud to GeekZilla and another bespoke development project. The first thing I did was look around the web for some examples (or free components). To my supprise none jumped out at me. So, I decided to write my own. At first I found myself
Paul Hayman - 77,868 viewsDateTime.ToString() Patterns
DateTime.ToString() Patterns All the patterns: 0 MM/dd/yyyy 08/22/2006 1 dddd, dd MMMM yyyy Tuesday, 22 August 2006 2 dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm Tuesday, 22 August 2006 06:30 3 dddd, dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt Tuesday, 22 August 2006 06:30 AM 4 ddd
Paul Hayman - 1,327,589 viewsCustom Templated SiteMap Navigator Control
Custom Templated SiteMap Navigator Control After discovering the power of the SiteMap, especially when linked to Authentication, it wasn't long before binding the TreeView to the map was not enough. I needed to have total control over what was displayed to the user for each item, so I
Paul Hayman - 6,283 viewsThe null coalescing operator: ??
The null coalescing operator: ?? This is a new feature of c# 2.0. The null coalescing operator is a short cut for checking if a value is null and if so returning the value of the second operand. Kind of like an IIF. The syntax is as follows: string newValue = someVa
Paul Hayman - 4,537 viewsRestricting the number of rows in a dataview when binding to a repeater
Restricting the number of rows in a dataview when binding to a repeater The problem I needed to restrict the number of items bound to an asp:repeater. Basically I never wanted more than 10 items to be displayed. Options The right thing to do would be to restrict the number of
Paul Hayman - 13,749 viewsISBN Number regular expression
ISBN Number regular expression string pattern = @"ISBN\x20(?=.{13}$)\d{1,5}([- ])\d{1,7}\1\d{1,6}\1(\d|X)$"; Examples // Valid Console.WriteLine(Regex.IsMatch(@"ISBN 0 93028 923 4", @"ISBN\x20(?=.{13}$)\d{1,5}([- ])\d{1,7}\1\d{1,6}\1(\d|X)$
Paul Hayman - 11,664 viewsIP Address regular expression
IP Address regular expression string pattern = @"\b(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\b"
Paul Hayman - 83,578 viewsUsing named match groups in expressions
Using named match groups in expressions The following code will return the value user Console.WriteLine(Regex.Match(@"test\user", @".*\\(.*?)$").Groups[1]); Sometimes it makes life easier to refer to the group by name rather than its position (or GroupNum). To do this we ne
Paul Hayman - 4,323 viewsUsing Regex.Replace
Using Regex.Replace Say you want to get the username from a fully qualified username such as MyDomain\AUser Most developers would turn to SubString and LastIndexOf functions .. for example string userName = @"MyDomain\AUser"; string result = userNam
Paul Hayman - 11,871 viewsCode snippet for 'protected void MethodName(object sender, EventArgs e)' method
Code snippet for 'protected void MethodName(object sender, EventArgs e)' method When adding a method to handle server events (such as OnClick) I often found myself copying the Page_Load method and changing the name. I looked for a snippet which would create this method for me but had no luck
Paul Hayman - 4,589 viewsProgrammatically adding LINKs to HTML HEADER in Code Behind
Programmatically adding LINKs to HTML HEADER in Code Behind In this example I am adding a link to the html header pointing to an rss feed. HtmlLink link = new HtmlLink(); link.Attributes.Add("type", "application/rss+xml"); link.Attributes.Add("rel",&
Paul Hayman - 13,342 viewsEnabling Service Broker
Enabling Service Broker The following T-Sql enables or disabled service broker on SqlServer 2005. The Service Broker is required by .net for SqlCacheDependency support -- Enable Service Broker: ALTER DATABASE [Database Name] SET ENABLE_BROKER; -- Di
Paul Hayman - 65,080 viewsUsing Regular Expressions to validate a filename in a FileUpload control
Using Regular Expressions to validate a filename in a FileUpload control Here's a little code snippet I use to ensure that the file that has been uploaded is of type JPG, JPEG, PNG or GIF // check anything has been uploaded if (ThumbnailImageUpload.Poste
Paul Hayman - 71,101 viewsGenerating a resized image with maximum image quality
Generating a resized image with maximum image quality Here's some code I use for generating a resized image with no Jpeg compression. public MemoryStream GetResized(Bitmap originalImage, int width, int height) {
Paul Hayman - 3,211 viewsEmail Address Regular Expression
Email Address Regular Expression string pattern = @"([\w-\.]+)@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.)|(([\w-]+\.)+))([a-zA-Z]{2,4}|[0-9]{1,3})(\]?)"
Paul Hayman - 4,571 viewsMail and News Regular Expression
Mail and News Regular Expression string pattern = @"(?<ignore>(^|\s|\W)[\W*])?(?<uri>((mailto|news){1}:[^(//\s,)][\w\d:#@%/;$()~_?\+-=\\\.&]+))"
Paul Hayman - 3,727 viewsURL Regular Expression
URL Regular Expression string pattern = @"((https?|ftp|gopher|telnet|file|notes|ms-help):((//)|(\\\\))+[\w\d:#@%/;$()~_?\+-=\\\.&]*)"
Paul Hayman - 153,623 viewsHighlighting keywords in text using Regex.Replace (Perfect for SEO)
Highlighting keywords in text using Regex.Replace (Perfect for SEO) Why I needed to take some text and bold certain keywords before returning the data to the web browser to enhance my Search Engine Optimization Example The following example shows how I achieved this althou
Paul Hayman - 27,732 viewsWhat is a FavIcon
What is a FavIcon FavIcon (short for Favorites Icon) is a feature that makes it possible to associate a special logo or other small graphic with a web page. The favicon is usually displayed next to the web site address. Much like the way shortcut icons are used on the computer desktop
Paul Hayman - 2,905 viewsAdding a Favicon to your site
Adding a FavIcon to your site Found a handy little site which allows you to upload a GIF or Jpeg and returns you a static and animated FavIcon with all the HTML you need to implement.
Paul Hayman - 2,966 viewsTriple DES encryption wrapper
Triple DES encryption wrapper Here is a handy wrapper for Triple DES encryption:
Paul Hayman - 21,888 viewsLaunching an Atlas ModalPopupExtender from JavaScript
Launching an Atlas ModalPopupExtender from JavaScript Looking for an Ajax version of this article?? Looking round the web there are some crazy ways people are trying to launch the ModalPopupExtender from JavaScript, the most common way being setting a timeout which calls the Click meth
Paul Hayman - 54,499 viewsUsing a DataSet as a return type on an Atlas Javascript WebService call
Using a DataSet as a return type on an Atlas Javascript WebService call If the WebService you are calling returns a DataSet it may not be obvious how to get to the data in the returned object. Here is a little example which may help you on your way..
Paul Hayman - 8,149 viewsCalling a WebService (from JavaScript) with Atlas
Calling a WebService (from JavaScript) with Atlas This is too easy and damn powerful! WebServices can be called from JavaScript directly once the service is registered in the Script Manager. Script Manager Add your service to the manager as seen below: <atlas:Script
Paul Hayman - 5,939 viewsCould not write to output file ... The directory name is invalid
Could not write to output file ... The directory name is invalid Recently had a problem deploying an app to a fresh 2003 server. Basically, the application wouldn't start, instead we recieved an error stating that the compiler couldn't write to the "Temporary ASP.NET Files" folder because th
Paul Hayman - 17,086 viewsRemembering position of DragOverlayExtender with Profile
Remembering position of DragOverlayExtender with Profile You can get Atlas to store the last known position of your floating panel in the profile. Three things you need to do to get this to work. ProfileScriptService In the page with the DragOverlayExtender you'll need to
Paul Hayman - 5,656 viewsIntellisence not working in web.config?
Intellisence not working in web.config? Visual Studio 2005 has an interesting "feature" where Intellisence will not pop up when you're editing a web.config file. Annoying eh? Well, I found that removing the namespace from the configuration tag kicks it all back into life. Change the fo
Paul Hayman - 3,794 viewsChanging the password rules for Forms Authentication
Changing the password rules for Forms Authentication An annoying feature of the forms authentication controls shipped with VS2005 is that it forces users to enter non-alphanumberic characters in their passwords by default.. e.g. password would have to be password! Fortunately, this opt
Paul Hayman - 4,729 viewsStopping simultaneous logins (Forms Authentication)
Stopping simultaneous logins (Forms Authentication) The following code (called from a page load) will bump off users who are logged in when someone else logs in with the same credentials. publi
Paul Hayman - 5,656 viewsReading a file which is locked by another process
Reading a file which is locked by another process The following code snippet shows how to read a file which is locked by another process.. FileStream logFileStream = new FileStream("c:\test.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read,&nb
Paul Hayman - 42,453 viewsStringOrDBNull method
StringOrDBNull This method accepts a string and returns DBNull.Value if the string is null or empty. public static object StringOrDBNull(string value) { try { &n
Paul Hayman - 2,407 viewsCLR Stored Procedure for searching files
CLR Stored Procedure for searching files I was recently asked to write a CLR stored procedure which would process a text file and return a row for each line in the file that contained text matching our search criteria. I'd never written a CLR stored proc before so it was an interesting
Paul Hayman - 16,032 viewsEnabling TRUSTWORTHY on a SQL 2005 Database
Enabling TRUSTWORTHY on a SQL 2005 Database If your .NET stored procedure wants to have external access, the targer database will have to have TRUSTWORTHY set on.. this is how you do it. ALTER DATABASE databasename SET TRUSTWORTHY ON; GO
Paul Hayman - 50,532 viewsEnabling CLR execution in SQL Server
Enabling CLR execution in SQL Server If you plan to run stored procedures you have written in .NET you will probably need to enable CLR execution on your server. To do this you'll need to run the following T-SQL sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1 GO RECONFIGURE GO
Paul Hayman - 4,500 viewsWriting CLR Stored Procedures in C#
Writing CLR Stored Procedures in C# As SQL Server 2005 rolls out DBA's are going to be forced to learn either C# or Visual Basic or both. Until now these were client side languages and not knowing them had little impact on your job. And if you write code in these languages your going to have
Paul Hayman - 16,020 viewsIsGuid() (Regular Expression Guid Match)
IsGuid() (Regular Expression Guid Match) A regular expression for validating a string as being a Guid is.. @"^(\{{0,1}([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){12}\}{0,1})$" Example usage Below is a function I try to keep handy which t
Paul Hayman - 99,070 viewsclass.Serialize()
class.Serialize() Handly little function which I include in most classes. This function returns the object serialized as XML, perfect for logging etc. /// <summary> /// Serialize this object /// </summary> /// <returns>XmlDocumen
Paul Hayman - 7,481 viewsDTS, Excel and mixed format columns
DTS, Excel and mixed format columns I recently had a problem DTS importing an Excel spreadsheet which contained columns with mixed text and data values. After a bit of hunting around, I found an extended property IMEX=1. The IMEX=1 property forces everything to text when reading from a sour
Paul Hayman - 8,936 viewsFixing broken users after Database Restore
Fixing broken users after Database Restore Ever restored a Database which was created on a different server then not been able to use the same logon you had previously set up? This command fixes the problem with the account. -- Replace username with the account to fix sp_change_
Paul Hayman - 8,264 viewsProgrammatically resolving ~ URL's to the Virtual Root using ResolveURL()
Programmatically resolving ~ URL's to the Virtual Root using ResolveURL() It's common knowledge that a control, when Runat="server" will resolve it's src or href attribute to a virtual root when the URL starts with ~/ For example: <a href="~/Customers/Profile.aspx" Runat=
Paul Hayman - 41,110 viewsAssigning an array of strings to a variable
Assigning an array of strings to a variable Declaring a string array with hard coded data is easy. string[] newString = new string[] {"one", "two", "three"} Passing hard coded array into method Likewise, passing an array of hard coded data
Paul Hayman - 4,234 viewsHandy Keyboard Shortcuts for c# 2005
Handy Keyboard Shortcuts for c# 2005 The following keyboard shortcuts I find invaluable. It's amazing how many people still use the mouse to do everything. Document navigation Ctrl+Tab Switch documents Ctrl+Shift+Tab Reverse switch documents Ctrl+kk Drop a bookm
Paul Hayman - 7,738 viewsWhy not on by defaut? Turn on auto HTML attribute quotes in 2005
Why not on by defaut? Turn on auto HTML attribute quotes in 2005 Holy cow! Why wasn't this on by default??? How annoying is it that when typing in the HTML Source editor window Visual Studio doesn't add the "" for you automatically?? If it's going to complain profusely about the missing quot
Paul Hayman - 5,306 viewsError in Line 3?
Error in line 3 Some websites report an error in line 3 when using the controls such as login. We recently tracked this error down on one of our sites to the use of custom HttpHandlers. All requests to anything other than *.aspx were routing through our own handler.. Addi
Paul Hayman - 3,766 viewsEvaluating Expressions
Evaluating Expressions You can evaluate sums in the fly using .net DataTables. This is how you do it (C# 2005). string sum = "(1+2)/4"; System.Data.DataTable evaluator = new System.Data.DataTable("temp"); double result; resu
Paul Hayman - 5,266 views