Convert to and from Hex

Convert from an int to Hex

String result = String.Format("{0:x2}", 255)

Convert from Hex to an int

int result = int.Parse("FF", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);
Author Paul Hayman

Paul is the COO of kwiboo ltd and has more than 20 years IT consultancy experience. He has consulted for a number of blue chip companies and has been exposed to the folowing sectors: Utilities, Telecommunications, Insurance, Media, Investment Banking, Leisure, Legal, CRM, Pharmaceuticals, Interactive Gaming, Mobile Communications, Online Services.

Paul is the COO and co-founder of kwiboo ( and is also the creator of GeekZilla.


Andrew said:

Really good post. If you want to do the same with a string instead of an int try the below.

    public string ConvertToHex(string asciiString)    {        string hex = "";        foreach (char c in asciiString)        {            int tmp = c;            hex += String.Format("{0:x2}",                      (uint)System.Convert.ToUInt32(tmp.ToString()));        }        return hex;    }
04/Nov/2008 14:41 PM

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