Missing VS2005 Templates
If you are having problems with missing VS2005 templates, then the following command run from the VS2005 command prompt may resolve your problems.
devenv /installvstemplates
I have nothing more to say
Sheetal said:
Even after running this command i am not getting the template.
Please tell me what more to do?
Jason P Sage said:
Didn't help me - still missing the web templates - and I've got different results - example: Work PC - vs2005Pro - Have web templates AND I can even make web pages that invoke a DLL ..all part of my project. Home PC: vs2005pro - NO Web Templates after the above suggested fix (at all not even the C# asp script version - where its not REALLY compiled when you roll it out) And then On various clients I've made purchase vs2005pro (when they wanted dev on their system via remote) They seem to get the templates for web - but the kind where I must use C# asp - (and cannot link to a dll or anything in my project...its uncompiled script - like vb.asp or something.
This doesn't make any sense.
P.S. Hey Barry, I'm a musician too - just a hobbiest these days - I have some various genre stuff I did online here:
P.S.S. I found this on another page and it worked like a charm:
I've tried everything listed but nothing worked, but this did;
Install "VS80-KB915364-X86-ENU.exe" and then install "WebApplicationProjectSetup.msi"
czar said:
thanks a lot ^^
Nilesh said:
Thanks a lot for the help