CSS Articles

The best CSS rounded corners method

The best CSS rounded corners method I love this example : Even More CSS Roudned Corners 2 Project Home Basic Example The HTML is simple <div class="dialog"><div class="content"><div class="t"></div>   <!-- Your c

Paul Hayman - 5,315 views

Dynamically adding a CSS link to the page in c#

Dynamically adding a CSS link to the page in c# The following code adds a CSS link to the header node of a Html page. // register css HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header; HtmlLink link = new HtmlLink(); link.Attributes.Add("href",

Paul Hayman - 45,082 views

Scrollbar CSS style generator

Scrollbar CSS style generator Excellent online tool for generating css for scrollbars http://iconico.com/CSSScrollbar/

Paul Hayman - 4,027 views

Linking from one CSS StyleSheet to Another

Linking from one CSS StyleSheet to Another Simply add the following to the top of your CSS StyleSheet to link it to another: @import "MyOtherStylesheet.css"; NOTE: the path is relative to the current StyleSheet

Paul Hayman - 5,976 views

Centering a DIV using the negative margin method

Centering a DIV using the negative margin method The following CSS will center a DIV whih is 500px wide. This method is very clean and works in all browsers. div {      position: absolute;     left: 50%;  &nb

Paul Hayman - 16,851 views

No more cellspacing, roll on border-collapse!

No more cellspacing, roll on border-collapse! Confused as to why applying a css margin:0px and padding:0px doesn't remove the gaps between cells in tables? You need border-collapse. The cellpadding and cellspacing attributes are not deprecated in HTML 4 (and not even in XHTML 1.1), how

Paul Hayman - 2,834 views

Ensure the minimum height of a <div> tag in Internet Explorer

Ensure the minimum height of a <div> tag in Internet Explorer Being a Microsoft bigot I really love all of Microsoft's products, but I do find IE a real pain. Especially its inconsistencies with CSS. In an attempt to catch up with my friends and collagues I'm doing more and more

Paul Marshall - 13,223 views