Articles tagged under authentication

Changing the password rules for Forms Authentication

Changing the password rules for Forms Authentication An annoying feature of the forms authentication controls shipped with VS2005 is that it forces users to enter non-alphanumberic characters in their passwords by default.. e.g. password would have to be password! Fortunately, this opt

Paul Hayman - 4,720 views

Stopping simultaneous logins (Forms Authentication)

Stopping simultaneous logins (Forms Authentication) The following code (called from a page load) will bump off users who are logged in when someone else logs in with the same credentials. publi

Paul Hayman - 5,648 views

Enabling TRUSTWORTHY on a SQL 2005 Database

Enabling TRUSTWORTHY on a SQL 2005 Database If your .NET stored procedure wants to have external access, the targer database will have to have TRUSTWORTHY set on.. this is how you do it. ALTER DATABASE databasename SET TRUSTWORTHY ON; GO

Paul Hayman - 50,478 views