Articles tagged under Strongly Typed Dataset

Strongly Typed Dataset doesn't always auto generate DELETE and UPDATE stored procedures

Strongly Typed Dataset doesn't always auto generate DELETE and UPDATE stored procedures I found this problem whilst creating a STD that included a many to many relationship between two tables. I created a table consisting of the two foreign keys and appropriate constraints to support t

Dave Howard - 7,332 views

Return new identity from Strongly Typed Dataset DataTable.Insert method

Return new identity from Strongly Typed Dataset DataTable.Insert method Datasets are pretty good at auto generating stored procedures and wrapping c# code around them for you. However with the insert method you often want to do something with the object that you have just inserte

Dave Howard - 26,802 views

Extending Strongly Typed Datasets

Extending Strongly Typed Datasets Strongly Typed Datasets are a rather nice addition to VS2005 (they don't lend themselves well to acronyms however) You still need to create a database and tables and realationships but using STDs saves a writing huge amount of code. If this code

Dave Howard - 6,308 views

Strongly Typed DataSets and GridViews

Strongly Typed DataSets and GridViews If you are anything like me you don't enjoy writing 5 or 6 stored procedures for each business object in your solution. If you do, then click here to read more about T-SQL! For the re

Dave Howard - 9,753 views