Articles tagged under WSS

WSS 3.0 : Add a Column(Field) to a List (Part 1)

WSS 3.0 : Add a Column(Field) to a List (Part 1) In order to add a Column (Computed) to a List you will need to use the WSS Object Model. As there are no tools to do this currently (however I am currently writing a little tool to help.) you will need to understand the CAML to define a Field.

Greg Duffield - 5,169 views

WSS 3.0 Change Content Type Field Name

Change the Field Name for a Content Type When I created a new Content Type in WSS 3.0 I could not find a way to change the name of the Title Field with out changing the base Item Type. When you add a Field to a Content Type, you are actually creating FieldLinks, so you need to change t

Greg Duffield - 4,275 views