Articles tagged under ajax

Set Input Focus on a Control Programatically Added to an ASP.Net Page

Set Input Focus on a Control Programatically Added to an ASP.Net Page This little problem had the potential to drive me nuts for hours, I was fortunate to stumble over a blog with 100s of comments re problems of this nature and how to solve it. Most of the discussion was about using JavaScr

Paul Marshall - 3,820 views

Returning a value from a PageMethod

Returning a value from a PageMethod using MS AJAX NOTE: This is designed for v1.0.61025.0 of AJAXExtensionsToolbox.dll If you've ever returned data from a web service using MS AJAX this technique will look familar. Call the method from javascript by append PageMethods. to the fro

Paul Hayman - 42,661 views

Rendering a Control to a String

Rendering a Control to a String This is a really handy little function for rendering a control to a string. Really handy if you want to pass back rendered HTML from a StaticPageMethod or WebService. private static string GetRenderedControl(Control contr

Paul Hayman - 5,798 views

Programmatically registering a client script in the ScriptManager

Programmatically registering a client script in the ScriptManager Registering a client script in the ScriptManager is easy! ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptInclude(Page, typeof(Page),          "MyScript",    &n

Paul Hayman - 7,737 views

Calling a static "page method" from Javascript using MS AJAX

Calling a static "page method" from Javascript using MS AJAX Atlas gave us the ability to easily call Web Services from JavaScript. MS AJAX has gone one step further! We can now call methods in the codebehine of the current page from Javascript. Here's how: This is designed for v1.0.61

Paul Hayman - 175,079 views

Launching an Ajax ModalPopupExtender from JavaScript

Launching an Ajax ModalPopupExtender from JavaScript This is an updated version of the earlier (and very popular) Atlas article It is by far the simplest way to launch an Ajax ModalPopupExtender from javascript. The groundworks Add a hidden link for ModalPopup Extender to attach

Paul Hayman - 88,127 views

Web 2 Ajax Style Animated Gif's

Web 2 Ajax Style Animated Gif's When searching high and low for a ajax style wait icon I came across the following sites. The first is a very good source of web 2 style animated gifs: - Example: I also found this GIF generator

Paul Hayman - 24,554 views

Json converters lacking in Microsoft AJAX RTM

Json converters lacking in Microsoft AJAX RTM Having spent some time developing a project using a CTP version of Microsoft Ajax ("ATLAS" back in the day) I finally came to migrate the project to the RTM version. After uninstalling the CTP release, and installing the RTM release I wasn

Dave Howard - 5,028 views

Lightweight Ajax

Lightweight Ajax Ajax doesn't have to be complicated - at its most basic it just means partial updates your pages rather than reloading the whole page. The attached js library contains just two functions - GetContent and RunJS. GetContent() takes a URL and a element name: It si

Dave Howard - 7,743 views

Auto-complete using ATLAS

Auto-complete using ATLAS Setting up an auto-complete input box in ATLAS is pretty simple, here is a quick guide to illustrate this... Assuming you already have the ATLAS framework referenced in your project then select an <asp:TextBox> to apply auto-complete to. See Mark

Dave Howard - 8,971 views

Comparing ATLAS and Dojo (part 1)

Comparing ATLAS and Dojo (part 1) This is a first article in a series comparing some of the functionality of ATLAS with another popular AJAX framework called Dojo. Both frameworks have some powerfull components and there is a high degree of overlap. This first article is a straight com

Mark Page - 12,913 views