Articles tagged under Beta

Getting on the Vista developers merry-go-round

Getting on the Vista developers merry-go-round Trying to keep up with the various Vista Beta releases? Want to develop but not sure which version will work on your platform? Here's a useful set of links to make sure you get the right version of the runtime, SDK, Orcas VS extensions and

Mark Page - 3,430 views

Vista Beta 2 is missing boot.ini

Vista Beta 2 is missing boot.ini The latest build of Vista Beta 2 (Build 5456) does not use boot.ini to store details of boot sequence, display times etc. If you dual boot with XP on the primary partition you can see that Vista install has modified the boot.ini header. ;Warn

Mark Page - 7,892 views

Disabling User Account Control (UAC)

Disabling User Account Control (UAC) Annoyed by the Vista Beta 2 user account control (UAC) dialogs? These are the prompts for authority to install programs, run applications and perform day to day tasks such as some file operations. Also you will notice the that the prompt drop the c

Mark Page - 4,601 views

nVidia Graphics Drivers

nVidia Graphics Drivers Having problems with nVidia display adapters running on Vista Beta 2. Well you are not alone. Unfortunately at the moment Vista does not understand turbocache so it will only report on the adapters onboard memory. This means you will get lower than expected Perf

Mark Page - 4,598 views

Where is IIS 7.0 in Vista Ultimate Edition ?

IIS 7.0 is available in Vista Beta 2 Ultimate Edition but it is well hidden. You can try to install all the 'parts' which make up IIS from the Control Panel under Programs, Windows Features. However, you will see a bewlidering array of items to install. Note that some of these tools still refe

Mark Page - 9,685 views

Problem With SQL Server 2005 on Vista Beta2

Problem With SQL Server 2005 on Vista Beta2 So you've been through the throws of building a Vista Beta 2 installation and boy it looks good. Maybe a couple of missing drivers to hunt down but otherwise all that Vista goodness. So now you want to install some developer tools and start t

Mark Page - 4,993 views