Articles tagged under Gadget

uTorrent Server Vista Gadget

uTorrent Server Vista Gadget I've had loads of comments about my articles on creating your own Torrent Server, see the attached links. If you haven't configured uTorrent to work like this I can assure you it is excellent and you can access your torrents from anywhere if you have a static I

Paul Marshall - 31,257 views

Adding a transparent background to a Vista Gadget

Adding a transparent background to a Vista Gadget Adding a transparent background to a gadget is easy! Simply create a transparent .png file and reference it from your Gadget HTML. Here is an example file (also attached to this article as a download): Here is the HTML you

Paul Hayman - 24,467 views

A simple guide to creating your first Vista Gadget

A simple guide to creating your first Vista Gadget Gadgets are simply HTML and JavaScript. The SideBar exposes a bunch of API's which are accessible from JavaScript and extends the HTML schema. In this short guide we will greate a simple "Hello World" gadget. The four steps Cre

Paul Hayman - 34,144 views