.NET Functions and Procs Articles

CLR Deployment Fails

CLR Deployment Fails This drove me mad! I was getting this error:- Deploy error SQL01268: .Net SqlClient Data Provider: Msg 325, Level 15, State 1,  Procedure 'procedurename', Line 5 Incorr

Ric Hayman MCPD - 4,621 views

CLR Stored Procedure for searching files

CLR Stored Procedure for searching files I was recently asked to write a CLR stored procedure which would process a text file and return a row for each line in the file that contained text matching our search criteria. I'd never written a CLR stored proc before so it was an interesting

Paul Hayman - 16,018 views

Enabling TRUSTWORTHY on a SQL 2005 Database

Enabling TRUSTWORTHY on a SQL 2005 Database If your .NET stored procedure wants to have external access, the targer database will have to have TRUSTWORTHY set on.. this is how you do it. ALTER DATABASE databasename SET TRUSTWORTHY ON; GO

Paul Hayman - 50,470 views

Enabling CLR execution in SQL Server

Enabling CLR execution in SQL Server If you plan to run stored procedures you have written in .NET you will probably need to enable CLR execution on your server. To do this you'll need to run the following T-SQL sp_configure 'clr enabled', 1 GO RECONFIGURE GO

Paul Hayman - 4,487 views

Writing CLR Stored Procedures in C#

Writing CLR Stored Procedures in C# As SQL Server 2005 rolls out DBA's are going to be forced to learn either C# or Visual Basic or both. Until now these were client side languages and not knowing them had little impact on your job. And if you write code in these languages your going to have

Paul Hayman - 16,011 views