Atlas Articles

Json converters lacking in Microsoft AJAX RTM

Json converters lacking in Microsoft AJAX RTM Having spent some time developing a project using a CTP version of Microsoft Ajax ("ATLAS" back in the day) I finally came to migrate the project to the RTM version. After uninstalling the CTP release, and installing the RTM release I wasn

Dave Howard - 5,026 views

Lightweight Ajax

Lightweight Ajax Ajax doesn't have to be complicated - at its most basic it just means partial updates your pages rather than reloading the whole page. The attached js library contains just two functions - GetContent and RunJS. GetContent() takes a URL and a element name: It si

Dave Howard - 7,740 views

Web service calls from javascript using ATLAS (part 3) - Complex properties

Web service calls from javascript using ATLAS (part 3) - Complex properties Part two covered returning objects with multiple properties from a webservice and accessing those properties from javascript. This article demonstrates that even 'complex' properties are supported by the ATLAS

Dave Howard - 5,390 views

Web service calls from javascript using ATLAS (part 2) - Complex return types

Web service calls from javascript using ATLAS (part 2) - Complex return types Following on from part one which showed how to make web service calls from javscript, this article will now show the flexibility of the ATLAS framework by calling a web service that returns an object from jav

Dave Howard - 7,070 views

Web service calls from javascript using ATLAS (part 1)

Web service calls from javascript using ATLAS (part 1) ATLAS provides a fantastic mechanism for making web service calls from javascript code. Take the simple web service below... public class myWebService : System.Web.Services.WebServic

Dave Howard - 5,991 views

Auto-complete using ATLAS

Auto-complete using ATLAS Setting up an auto-complete input box in ATLAS is pretty simple, here is a quick guide to illustrate this... Assuming you already have the ATLAS framework referenced in your project then select an <asp:TextBox> to apply auto-complete to. See Mark

Dave Howard - 8,967 views

Comparing ATLAS and Dojo (part 1)

Comparing ATLAS and Dojo (part 1) This is a first article in a series comparing some of the functionality of ATLAS with another popular AJAX framework called Dojo. Both frameworks have some powerfull components and there is a high degree of overlap. This first article is a straight com

Mark Page - 12,912 views

Adding ATLAS to an Existing Web Application

Adding ATLAS to an Existing Web Application Recently had to add ATLAS to an existing ASP.NET 2.0 application and found that there is more to it than simply adding a reference to the Microsoft.Web.Atlas.dll. I tried registering the assembly in an <@ Register> tag after adding the

Mark Page - 21,311 views

Launching an Atlas ModalPopupExtender from JavaScript

Launching an Atlas ModalPopupExtender from JavaScript Looking for an Ajax version of this article?? Looking round the web there are some crazy ways people are trying to launch the ModalPopupExtender from JavaScript, the most common way being setting a timeout which calls the Click meth

Paul Hayman - 54,478 views

Calling a WebService (from JavaScript) with Atlas

Calling a WebService (from JavaScript) with Atlas This is too easy and damn powerful! WebServices can be called from JavaScript directly once the service is registered in the Script Manager. Script Manager Add your service to the manager as seen below: <atlas:Script

Paul Hayman - 5,929 views

Remembering position of DragOverlayExtender with Profile

Remembering position of DragOverlayExtender with Profile You can get Atlas to store the last known position of your floating panel in the profile. Three things you need to do to get this to work. ProfileScriptService In the page with the DragOverlayExtender you'll need to

Paul Hayman - 5,646 views