Articles tagged under web2
Web 2 Ajax Style Animated Gif's
Web 2 Ajax Style Animated Gif's When searching high and low for a ajax style wait icon I came across the following sites. The first is a very good source of web 2 style animated gifs: - Example: I also found this GIF generator
Paul Hayman - 24,877 viewsCreating a Tag Cloud in C#
Creating a Tag Cloud in C# I wanted to add a TagCloud to GeekZilla and another bespoke development project. The first thing I did was look around the web for some examples (or free components). To my supprise none jumped out at me. So, I decided to write my own. At first I found myself
Paul Hayman - 77,875 viewsComparing ATLAS and Dojo (part 1)
Comparing ATLAS and Dojo (part 1) This is a first article in a series comparing some of the functionality of ATLAS with another popular AJAX framework called Dojo. Both frameworks have some powerfull components and there is a high degree of overlap. This first article is a straight com
Mark Page - 12,924 viewsAdding ATLAS to an Existing Web Application
Adding ATLAS to an Existing Web Application Recently had to add ATLAS to an existing ASP.NET 2.0 application and found that there is more to it than simply adding a reference to the Microsoft.Web.Atlas.dll. I tried registering the assembly in an <@ Register> tag after adding the
Mark Page - 21,406 viewsIntegrating Dojo Fisheye and SiteMapDataSource
Integrating Dojo Fisheye and SiteMapDataSource Everybody seems to be getting excited over this AJAX thing. Even Microsoft are (at last... ok they started it with OWA) getting on the bandwagon with the Atlas libraries. Of course just because Atlas exists doesn't mean you cannot use some
Mark Page - 13,872 viewsLaunching an Atlas ModalPopupExtender from JavaScript
Launching an Atlas ModalPopupExtender from JavaScript Looking for an Ajax version of this article?? Looking round the web there are some crazy ways people are trying to launch the ModalPopupExtender from JavaScript, the most common way being setting a timeout which calls the Click meth
Paul Hayman - 54,502 viewsUsing a DataSet as a return type on an Atlas Javascript WebService call
Using a DataSet as a return type on an Atlas Javascript WebService call If the WebService you are calling returns a DataSet it may not be obvious how to get to the data in the returned object. Here is a little example which may help you on your way..
Paul Hayman - 8,154 viewsRemembering position of DragOverlayExtender with Profile
Remembering position of DragOverlayExtender with Profile You can get Atlas to store the last known position of your floating panel in the profile. Three things you need to do to get this to work. ProfileScriptService In the page with the DragOverlayExtender you'll need to
Paul Hayman - 5,657 views