Flash Articles

Fixing Actionscript XML newline problem

Fixing Actionscript XML newline problem I was having a nightmare with a newline \n coming through from an XML document literally as \n when I passed the text into a DynamicText object in ActionScript 2, Flash CS3. Mark Page found this solution: function fixXMLNewLin

Paul Hayman - 6,606 views

Activating flash automatically with javascript

Activating flash automatically with javascript I find it really annoying when you go to a website and you have a flash movie or flash navigation and you have to click on the flash to activate it before you can start interacting with it. With a little bit of javascript you can automatically a

Andrew Clark - 2,459 views

Flash Player drove me crazy until

Flash Player drove me crazy ... So here's the problem. All of a sudden loads of web sites started directing me to Adobe to install the flash player that I already had installed!! Very strange.. each and everytime it installed successfully, restarted IE7, I went back to the orginal we

Paul Marshall - 2,524 views