General Articles

FTP series codes

FTP series codes Code Description 100 The requested action is being initiated, expect another reply before proceeding with a new command. 110 Restart marker reply. 120 Service ready in nnn minutes. 125 Data connection already open, transfer starting

Paul Hayman - 6,331 views

Nested Master Page Events not being called

Nested Master Page Events not being called This is the second time I've been caught out by this little feature, so I thought I'd geekzilla it for both reference and to help others. Scenario I'm a big fan of MasterPages and Themes as a design principle for web development, and

Paul Marshall - 2,552 views

The easiest Hex string to/from byte array I've found

The easiest Hex string to/from byte array I've found When looking for a utility function to convert from a hex string to a byte array, I found this example .. works a treat! Code

Paul Hayman - 19,948 views

Instanciating an object from it's type name

Instanciating an object from it's type name Instanciating a control from it's type name is easy.. string typeName = "YourNameSpace.YourObject"; Type assType = Type.GetType(typeName); object dynamicControl = Activator.CreateInstance

Paul Hayman - 1,901 views

Returning the first few items from an Array list or IEnumerable collection

Returning the first few items from an Array list or IEnumerable collection, like T-Sql top() I needed to bind the first 5 items in a List<T> to a repeater. Having recently discovered the .Distinct() extension, I had a look through the other methods attached to my List<T> and foun

Paul Hayman - 3,207 views

Returning a Distinct list of values from an array or IEnumerable cllection

Returning a Distinct list of values from an array or IEnumerable collection I recently had a list of Guids in a string which was returned from a group of checkboxes with identical names. I wanted to itterate through Guids and process each one only once. Basicaly, ignoring duplicates. I

Paul Hayman - 4,673 views

Converting a String to a ByteArray in c#

Converting a String to a Byte Array in c# Very simple.. here's how to convert a String to a Byte Array in c# byte[] yourByteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("your string");

Paul Hayman - 4,733 views

Reading a key from the registry in c#

Reading a key from the registry in c# The following c# code shows how to read a key value from the registry. Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE", true); RegistryKey masterKey = Registry.LocalMachine.CreateSubKey("SOFTWARE\\yourapp\\yourkey")

Paul Hayman - 7,928 views

Specifying an originator IP Address on a WebService Request using ServicePoint and HttpWebRequest

Specifying an originator IP Address on a WebService Request using ServicePoint and HttpWebRequest If you're running multiple IP Addresses on the same NIC in Windows 2003 server and you need a webservice call to originate from a certain one, you'll probably have found the same thing I did. .n

Paul Hayman - 7,592 views

Regex match html content without screwing up the tags

Regex match html content without screwing up the tags When needing to highlight words in a string containing HTML we found we soon ran into problems when the word we were searching for appeared in the middle of a tag.. Imagine the example: <a href="geekzilla.aspx">you

Paul Hayman - 18,232 views

Excellent IIS Metabase Helper

Excellent IIS Metabase Helper Found this : Has the potential to be an excellent Metabase wrapper.

Paul Hayman - 2,093 views

Getting the Virtual Path of a Request in c#

Getting the Virtual Path of a Request in c# This simple bit of code will get you the Virtual Path of your current request. public static string GetVirtualPath(string url) {     if (HttpContext.Current.Request.Application

Paul Hayman - 18,879 views

Sorting an XML document in C# using XSL

Sorting an XML document in C# using XSL I needed to sort some XML in C# before itterating through the document. In the end I used the XslCompiledTransform to apply an XSL stylesheet to the XML document. Works very quickly. For reference, this is how I did it. The code The follo

Paul Hayman - 20,848 views

Convert to and from Hex

Convert to and from Hex Convert from an int to Hex String result = String.Format("{0:x2}", 255) Convert from Hex to an int int result = int.Parse("FF", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber);

Paul Hayman - 3,144 views

"This row already belongs to another table" Error

"This row already belongs to another table" Error What an annoying error!! I couldn't believe that I couldn't just add a Row from one DataTable to another, while looping around a DataTable's Rows. It turned out to be slightly more complicated than the code I had written, I've si

Paul Marshall - 141,003 views

Why we use C# for .NET development

Why we use C# for .NET development In the company where we work, we have a policy of using Java for all major developments. The core reason behind this being that we have a long term aspiration to being vendor and platform independent. Regards the .NET framework the policy is to

Dave Howard - 38,111 views

Bug in VS2005? Using Typed DataSets with SQL 2005 and stored procedures

Bug in VS2005? Using Typed DataSets with SQL 2005 and stored procedures I have been a fan of typed datasets since I started using them in VS2005. Using the feature with SQL Express/stored procedures, Express/SQL Statements, SQL Server/SQL Statements all generate my DAL just fine. However, I

Dave Howard - 10,176 views

Authenticated HTTPRequests (Using Credentials)

Authenticated HTTPRequests (Using Credentials) Recently I had to make a SOAP call to a Cisco CallManager (an IP PBX). This required that the request used basic authentication. I couldn't add a web reference as the cisco interface doesn't support GET requests, so the Visual Studio discovery

Dave Howard - 81,933 views

Web service calls from javascript using ATLAS (part 2) - Complex return types

Web service calls from javascript using ATLAS (part 2) - Complex return types Following on from part one which showed how to make web service calls from javscript, this article will now show the flexibility of the ATLAS framework by calling a web service that returns an object from jav

Dave Howard - 7,068 views

DateTime.ToString() Patterns

DateTime.ToString() Patterns All the patterns: 0 MM/dd/yyyy 08/22/2006 1 dddd, dd MMMM yyyy Tuesday, 22 August 2006 2 dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm Tuesday, 22 August 2006 06:30 3 dddd, dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm tt Tuesday, 22 August 2006 06:30 AM 4 ddd

Paul Hayman - 1,327,453 views

Redirect a page using a Header

Redirect a page using a Header Any keen surfer will be familiar with Affiliate Marketing, its a huge industry with Google's Adwords driving "Pay Per Click" campaigns. Google provide the Adwords application and Google Analytics to track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns from click thr

Paul Marshall - 16,286 views

The null coalescing operator: ??

The null coalescing operator: ?? This is a new feature of c# 2.0. The null coalescing operator is a short cut for checking if a value is null and if so returning the value of the second operand. Kind of like an IIF. The syntax is as follows: string newValue = someVa

Paul Hayman - 4,526 views

Restricting the number of rows in a dataview when binding to a repeater

Restricting the number of rows in a dataview when binding to a repeater The problem I needed to restrict the number of items bound to an asp:repeater. Basically I never wanted more than 10 items to be displayed. Options The right thing to do would be to restrict the number of

Paul Hayman - 13,732 views

Sending mail using Localhost and .Net 2

Sending mail using Localhost and .Net 2 I came across an old favourite today when trying to send email using the SMTP service on Local host. The error was SMTP 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for xxxxxx What you need to do is change the security settings on the SMTP Service to allow

Greg Duffield - 3,749 views

Code snippet for 'protected void MethodName(object sender, EventArgs e)' method

Code snippet for 'protected void MethodName(object sender, EventArgs e)' method When adding a method to handle server events (such as OnClick) I often found myself copying the Page_Load method and changing the name. I looked for a snippet which would create this method for me but had no luck

Paul Hayman - 4,578 views

Using Regular Expressions to validate a filename in a FileUpload control

Using Regular Expressions to validate a filename in a FileUpload control Here's a little code snippet I use to ensure that the file that has been uploaded is of type JPG, JPEG, PNG or GIF // check anything has been uploaded if (ThumbnailImageUpload.Poste

Paul Hayman - 71,053 views

Generating a resized image with maximum image quality

Generating a resized image with maximum image quality Here's some code I use for generating a resized image with no Jpeg compression. public MemoryStream GetResized(Bitmap originalImage, int width, int height) {

Paul Hayman - 3,202 views

Return new identity from Strongly Typed Dataset DataTable.Insert method

Return new identity from Strongly Typed Dataset DataTable.Insert method Datasets are pretty good at auto generating stored procedures and wrapping c# code around them for you. However with the insert method you often want to do something with the object that you have just inserte

Dave Howard - 26,796 views

Getting on the Vista developers merry-go-round

Getting on the Vista developers merry-go-round Trying to keep up with the various Vista Beta releases? Want to develop but not sure which version will work on your platform? Here's a useful set of links to make sure you get the right version of the runtime, SDK, Orcas VS extensions and

Mark Page - 3,413 views

Need a high resolution timer?

Need a high resolution timer I like to profile my code regularly to see if any changes I make during development affect performance. In .Net 1.1 there is a distinct lack of a high resolution timer object. Here's one you can use:

Lee Keable - 2,358 views

Missing App.Path

Missing App.Path If you have the need to load resources (XSL stylesheets, images etc etc) at runtime, you may need to know the path of the currently executing code. In VB6 you'd just use good old App.Path, here is the .Net equivalent.  using System.IO;  string&n

Lee Keable - 3,933 views

Extending Strongly Typed Datasets

Extending Strongly Typed Datasets Strongly Typed Datasets are a rather nice addition to VS2005 (they don't lend themselves well to acronyms however) You still need to create a database and tables and realationships but using STDs saves a writing huge amount of code. If this code

Dave Howard - 6,301 views

Highlighting keywords in text using Regex.Replace (Perfect for SEO)

Highlighting keywords in text using Regex.Replace (Perfect for SEO) Why I needed to take some text and bold certain keywords before returning the data to the web browser to enhance my Search Engine Optimization Example The following example shows how I achieved this althou

Paul Hayman - 27,694 views

Triple DES encryption wrapper

Triple DES encryption wrapper Here is a handy wrapper for Triple DES encryption:

Paul Hayman - 21,863 views

Generic Lists are All You Will Ever Need

Generic Lists are All You Will Ever Need Generic lists have reduced the amount of code we have to write for our n-tier applications dramatically. Where they have been most uselful is in the definition of our Strongly Typed Object Collections. Previously we would have created a class th

Greg Duffield - 1,899 views

Convert a DataReader to a DataTable

Convert a DataReader to a DataTable When working with Datareaders one of the problems i sometimes come across is binding these to 3rd party controls. A lot of controls will not bind to a DataReader but nearly all of the alwaays bind to a DataTable. All of the functionlity already exists in t

Greg Duffield - 15,351 views


EasyHTTP EasyHTTP is a simple class which exposes the HTTP functionality of .NET as a number of simpler methods.

Barrington Haynes - 6,318 views

CLR Stored Procedure for searching files

CLR Stored Procedure for searching files I was recently asked to write a CLR stored procedure which would process a text file and return a row for each line in the file that contained text matching our search criteria. I'd never written a CLR stored proc before so it was an interesting

Paul Hayman - 16,018 views

Writing CLR Stored Procedures in C#

Writing CLR Stored Procedures in C# As SQL Server 2005 rolls out DBA's are going to be forced to learn either C# or Visual Basic or both. Until now these were client side languages and not knowing them had little impact on your job. And if you write code in these languages your going to have

Paul Hayman - 16,011 views

IsGuid() (Regular Expression Guid Match)

IsGuid() (Regular Expression Guid Match) A regular expression for validating a string as being a Guid is.. @"^(\{{0,1}([0-9a-fA-F]){8}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){4}-([0-9a-fA-F]){12}\}{0,1})$" Example usage Below is a function I try to keep handy which t

Paul Hayman - 99,013 views


class.Serialize() Handly little function which I include in most classes. This function returns the object serialized as XML, perfect for logging etc. /// <summary> /// Serialize this object /// </summary> /// <returns>XmlDocumen

Paul Hayman - 7,471 views

Referencing ConfigurationManager

Referencing ConfigurationManager When I started working in VS2005, I assumed that accessing your AppSettings would be the same as it was in VS2003. On compiling, the IDE served up the following warning. 'System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings' is obsolete: 'This method

Barrington Haynes - 5,626 views

Select a row in an asp:GridView without using a Select Command

Select a row in an asp:GridView without using a Select Command ASP.Net's GridViews can be quite useful, but beware of binding them to huge datasets as this has an overhead on the ViewState. Often you'll want to display a number of columns on each line and row space becomes an issue. W

Paul Marshall - 489,551 views

Assigning an array of strings to a variable

Assigning an array of strings to a variable Declaring a string array with hard coded data is easy. string[] newString = new string[] {"one", "two", "three"} Passing hard coded array into method Likewise, passing an array of hard coded data

Paul Hayman - 4,221 views

Evaluating Expressions

Evaluating Expressions You can evaluate sums in the fly using .net DataTables. This is how you do it (C# 2005). string sum = "(1+2)/4"; System.Data.DataTable evaluator = new System.Data.DataTable("temp"); double result;   resu

Paul Hayman - 5,255 views